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Does Your Salt Lake City Divorce Settlement Require A Modification?

David Bowie sang about it and just about everybody will go through it. Changes in your life are inevitable. Chances are you may not have the same job ten years from now. You may need to relocate to another state or even another country. If you are divorced and have children, these changes can affect your custody and visitation arrangements. One of the biggest myths about Utah family law is the court’s decision is final. Although it is difficult to change a divorce decree, an experienced Salt Lake City divorce modification attorney can often make a huge difference.

How to Modify a Divorce Decree

The first step to modify a divorce is to file a petition with the court. The petition will also be served to the petitioner’s former spouse. The former spouse is entitled to contest the modification. However, in many cases, divorce modifications are designed to benefit both parties. Some conditions are far more difficult to change than others. For example, the division of property, assets, and the allocation of debts cannot be modified unless the divorce decree allows for such a change. Divorce modifications also involve several obstacles. Utah courts are often reluctant to revisit old cases. The most common divorce modifications in Salt Lake City regard child custody, visitation, and spousal support. However, if spousal support is waived in the divorce decree, the petitioner may not be able to obtain support in the future despite significant changes in the lifestyle of both parties.

Modifying Child Support & Alimony

Child support and alimony are the most common divorce modifications. Salt Lake City is home to countless divorce couples who share child custody with their former spouses. Many will undergo significant changes in their own lives as well as the lives of their children. It is important to understand how spousal and child support are determined. The court will carefully evaluate the financial status of each spouse. The primary focus will be the spouse’s gross income along with any legal deductions. The court will also take into consideration the basic needs of the children. Because the status of your children will change with time, child support modifications tend to be the most successful. Utah family law places an emphasis on what is in the best interest of the child. If the petitioning parent has experienced a significant decline in their income, such as the loss of a job, it can affect their ability to pay for child support under the existing divorce decree.

Contact a Salt Lake City Divorce Modification Attorney Today

The reality is your life is going to change. When those changes affect your ability to honor spousal support, child support, and visitation arrangements, it is essential to seek representation from an experienced family law attorney with a track record of looking out for the best interest of each client along with the welfare of their children. To learn more about how a Salt Lake City divorce modification attorney can help, contact Emy A. Cordano, Attorney at Law, and schedule a consultation to discuss your case.

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