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Why Communication Is So Important During Divorce

No relationship starts out with divorce in mind but unfortunately over half of them end up in divorce court. Whether you had a great marriage or went to the top ten honeymoon destinations, you will have a hard time during a divorce if you don’t have good communication skills. With so many negative emotions rising to the surface, anger, stress, and resentment, many divorcees struggle to communicate effectively when untying the knot. Poor communication can cause added tension in your divorce proceedings and further complicate the whole process. For a more amicable divorce, contact Salt Lake City divorce attorneyEmy A. Cordano. Hiring an attorney can be beneficial for the whole family.

It is important you set aside some time to speak to your soon-to-be former spouse. It may not be enjoyable at first but it will make the whole divorce process less contentious. You can also go to a therapist and figure out a way to keep your divorce with minimum conflict. This is not the time to argue about trivial things but rather agree and make the whole process as cooperative as possible.

For some people starting a new life can be frightening, especially if you were in a long-term relationship. Whatever the reason for the breakdown of your marriage, trust your instincts, and follow your heart. We can help you start this new chapter in your life. For more information about your divorce options in Salt Lake City, call us today!

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