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Is Joint Custody The Best Solution?

It is often said that marriage is about to give and take. Ironically, the same can be said about divorce–especially if you share joint custody with a former spouse. Utah courts traditionally favor having both parents involved in the upbringing of their children. Although it is usually best to have both parents present in the lives of their children, not every situation is the same.  In the end, the court will ultimately decide what is in the best interest of the child.

In recent years, joint custody has become an increasingly popular post-divorce arrangement. It has also raised awareness of the importance of children having a father figure in their lives. Another overlooked reason is the increase of career-oriented working mothers. Sole custody can be demanding. It can be difficult to balance childcare needs while also maintaining a professional and social life.

The Advantages of Joint Custody in Salt Lake City

Children are often the biggest victims of divorce. When a marriage falls apart, it can leave emotional scars that can last for years. Joint custody gives children the opportunity to spend significant time with both parents. It also provides both parents with an opportunity to provide their own unique guidance and love for their children. Joint custody also give parents a different and unique perspective. Father can now take on the role of nurturers and mothers have the opportunity to take charge.

Joint custody is extremely effective when both parents can work together to place the child’s interest first. When there is little conflict, children can develop a sense of loyalty without the fear of having to lose either their mother or father. When a parent moves out, it can be a traumatic event for the children. There is often a feeling of rejection and loss. Children from joint custody arrangements tend to be more stable and have greater self-esteem.

The Disadvantages of Joint Custody in Salt Lake City

Although joint custody is the most popular arrangement, it does not always work smoothly. It can be particularly difficult when both parents have an adversarial relationship. When a parent continuously undermines their former spouse in front of the child, it can often influence how they behave towards their ex. It can eventually lead to constant internal strife. Joint custody works well when both parents are on the same page. But when one parent fails to comply with their custody arrangement, it can cause huge problems. In many cases, lifestyle changes can also impact a joint custody arrangement. If one parent relocates to another state or to a far location, it can make joint custody an almost impossible situation.

How Can Parents Make Joint Custody Work

Cooperation is an easy word to say. But it is not always an easy thing to do. It may sound like a cliche. But it is important for parents to be on the same page. Even if you do not get along with your former spouse, it is important to maintain communication for the best interest of the child.

Contact a Salt Lake City Joint Custody Attorney

Divorce can sometimes get messy. Child custody and visitation are among the most challenging issues in family law. It is vital to have an experienced and knowledgeable divorce attorney on your side to make the right decisions. Salt Lake City joint custody attorney Emy A. Cordano has spent nearly two decades helping clients and their children through the various stages of divorce and post-divorce life. She and her legal team work diligently to help clients achieve their goals. To learn more, contact the Emy A. Cordano, Attorney at Law and schedule a consultation today.

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