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Social Media And Divorce Mediation

Couples in Salt Lake City who file for divorce will try mediation. This is when a third party attempts to guide the divorcing couple to settle any disputes. This can include child custody, asset division. Mediation has proven to be a better alternative than a court battle. Couples are often able to resolve their disputes through mediation but many will need the assistance of a Salt Lake City divorce attorney. Mediation can quickly go from amicable to claws. This is often attributed to social media accounts online.

A Picture Can Cost You

The smallest post can make you lose your child custody and any other assets you may be entitled to. An example would be a co-worker tagging you in a photo of you drinking wine at a company event. It can be argued that this photo shows you are overindulgent and irresponsible with alcohol consumption. Therefore, your children may not be safe for your care and visitation can be denied or limited. Child support can also be contested if you have photos or posts about you spending money on frivolous items. A Salt Lake City divorce attorney can argue that you do not need child support if you are able to afford expensive items or vacations. The other argument that can arise is that the child support that you are getting is too much or unnecessary. Why do you need more money if you seem to be able to afford non-essential items and expensive trips?

Can posts help you?

It is very rare that a social media post can help your case but be considering that posting about or asking for help can prove to the court that you are indeed in need. The ideal situation would be to delete any social sites the moment you begin divorce proceedings. Do not wait until mediation has started. This can actually harm you. Delete your profiles completely as some automated posts and other friends posting on your wall can hurt your case. You’re soon to be former spouse can also look back at posts from years ago and save those for court. Silly photos you took with friends can turn into a court nightmare if you are not careful.

How a Salt Lake CIty Divorce Attorney Can Help

Contacting a Salt Lake City divorce attorney can place you in the best position to succeed pending a divorce. Emy A. Cordano has years of experience working with divorcing couples and knows exactly what to do when social media comes into play. She will fight for your rights and try to make your posts irrelevant during divorce proceedings. Don’t hesitate to contact our law offices for an initial consultation to discuss your case and get a viable plan of attack in place should your online profiles be brought up. The first step is to contact our offices by phone or email to schedule an initial consultation. Every minute you spend without the help of a Salt Lake City divorce attorney can hold your case back and hurt you in the long run.

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