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My Ex Is Not Paying Child Support – What Should I Do?

This is a common question among single parents. Being a single parent is already difficult. The bills keep piling up, your kids need things, and money to pay for many activities. But none of this is possible without child support. What happens when the checks stop coming? Thousands of custodial parents throughout the nation are in the same boat as you so you are not alone. There are a few possible solutions to this situation but at the end of the day, hiring an experienced Salt Lake City enforcement attorney will save you money and a lot of headaches.

Talk to your former spouse

Your ex is not your enemy. Even if your former spouse is a difficult person, a friendly reminder about his or her child support obligations will do. This approach is particularly helpful if your ex has been paying child support in the past. There are times when the non-custodial parent stopped paying child support for a valid reason such as a car accident, hospital bills, sickness, or getting laid off. However, if you have already tried that, and your ex doesn’t have an acceptable excuse for this type of behavior, you should try something else. You may be able to work out a deal until your former spouse gets back on his feet and then pay the amount owed. If your ex simply doesn’t want to pay you, you may have to take stronger measures.

Plan B

It doesn’t matter why your former spouse refuses to provide the children with child support. It’s wrong and completely illegal. However, for now, you may have to cut your expenses and figure out a way to bring in more money. Even if you are able to collect past due child support, it can take some time. Meanwhile, the bills keep on piling up and you need to do something about it.

Talk to your attorney

Even if you are not sure this is the best approach, talking to a Salt Lake family law attorney it is always helpful. You can estimate the costs and decide whether it is worth it to take your ex to court. After talking to your attorney, you will be able to make an informed decision. It all depends on the amount of child support your ex owes you and how much your attorney will charge you. Also, if you ex is unemployed, you may be spending time and energy in vain and you won’t be able to collect much. These are all things you need to consider with the help of a qualified legal advocate who can recommend the best legal route. Family law attorneys are familiar with the laws that may apply to your specific situation. Dragging your former spouse to court is not always the best approach.
