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What’S The Cost Of A Divorce Without Children In Utah? And How Long Will It Take?

“How much will my divorce cost me?” and “How long will my divorce take?” are the two most common questions asked by divorcing couples in Utah and all across the United States. Today, we invited our Salt Lake City divorce attorney from Emy A Cordano, Attorney At Law to answer these two questions.

You have probably read countless articles on the Internet warning that your divorce will cost you “a lot” but shying away from going into specifics. More importantly, most of these articles seem to outline the average cost of a divorce for a married couple with children.

The cost of a childless divorce

But what about childless couples? Childless couples account for an estimated 66 percent of all divorces in our country, while couples with kids take up the remaining 34 percent.

Surely, the cost of a divorce without children is much more moderate than that of a divorce involving kids, as childless divorces do not involve much time- and money-exhausting aspects of divorce as child support and child custody. Nonetheless, getting divorced without children in Salt Lake City and elsewhere in Utah is quite expensive.

The average cost of a divorce without children

While such costly elements of divorce as child custody and child support are eliminated from your divorce if you and your spouse share no children together, make no mistake: getting divorced if you have no children is still quite costly in Utah and elsewhere in the U.S.

That is because even a divorce that involves no child custody and child support issues may still cover such costly issues as property division and alimony. So how much does it cost to get divorced as a childless couple?

The average cost of a divorce without children in Utah and elsewhere in the U.S. is approx. $12,500. But that does not necessarily mean that the cost of your particular divorce will be somewhere around that figure. In fact, in order to estimate the full cost of your divorce, it is highly advised to speak to a skilled divorce attorney in Salt Lake City or elsewhere in Utah.

How to establish the cost of your divorce?

The total cost of a divorce that does not involve children ranges from $5,000 to $31,000. As you can see, it can be pretty impossible to establish the approx. cost of your divorce without consulting with one of our attorneys at Emy A Cordano, Attorney At Law.

The cost of your divorce depends on the complexity of the elements involved, including but not limited to alimony and property division. Thus, a childless divorce involving the issue of alimony but no property division may cost you around $10,000. A divorce that does not cover alimony but involves property, on the other hand, may cost you around $8,000. If your divorce combines both property division and alimony, it may cost around $18,000.

Duration of a divorce without children

As for the duration of a divorce without children, it is not nearly as complicated as its cost. Generally, divorces that do not involve children are finalized within 10 months in Utah and elsewhere in the U.S. However, the process may range from 4 months to 17 months depending on the circumstances in your divorce.

Speak to our Salt Lake City divorce attorney from the Emy A Cordano, Attorney At Law for a legal consultation. Let our experienced lawyers estimate the full cost of your divorce and how long it will take to finalize it. Call at (801) 901-8159 or complete this contact form.

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