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Paying Child Support When Visitation Is Denied

Bringing life into this world contractually obligates two people to care for whatever financial, medical, and emotional needs their wonderful creation may need. As discussed many times before, child support isn’t an optional feature that comes with parenthood; it can’t be traded in when one gets bored with it. And, for the sake of conversation, child support doesn’t exist in the realm of child visitation.

So, what are parents supposed to do when denied visitation? Financial punishment certainly isn’t the answer.

Visitation rights shouldn’t be held hostage when child support isn’t paid, nor should one summon their Salt Lake City child support attorney for the sole purpose of seeking visitation to lower financial responsibility. These have always been, and perhaps will always be, separate issues in family law courts.

Should one be denied visitation rights, consider these two ideas before making any irrational decisions.

Work on forging stronger relationships

Marriages and cohabitations break down for reasons specific to each relationship. Whether it’s infidelity, excessive drinking or drug use, or simply not seeing eye to eye, bitter feelings are not uncommon in relationships that end abruptly. But with bitter feelings come vindictive behaviors – one of those being denying other parent access to children. This does nothing but creates unneeded controversy.

Rebuilding relationships between two parents are monumental for both childrearing and maintaining some semblance of family unity despite the separation of parents.

Once relationships mend themselves, the noncustodial parent should feel adequate about approaching the other parent regarding visitation rights. One shouldn’t hold child support payments hostage if the answer received isn’t acceptable; instead, find out what still needs to be done to gain more parenting time.

Try mediation with the custodial parent

Finding a court-approved mediator may mean retaining your Salt Lake City child support attorney if they are able to perform such duties.

Mediation isn’t for every couple, but it’s known to help with contentious issues like a visitation. Child support issues could also be ironed out in these relaxed meetings, yet asking custodial parents to budge on child support isn’t how one gets visitation rights granted if we’re being civil about the matter. Those upset about visitation but feel there are no discussion possibilities on the table should immediately fight in court.

The wonders mediating can do for visitation disagreements is tremendous, but you must be willing to set aside differences to make the process work for you.

What We Learned

It’s imperative that whatever personal issues two loving parents have festering between them get resolved amicably before visitation problems are addressed. Moreover, it’s impossible to imagine someone actually withholding child support from another parent due to visitation, but it happens often.

Don’t invoke unnecessary friction between you and your ex-spouse or partner just because visitation may not be their first priority. Laws do afford noncustodial parents the opportunity to impose their visitation needs upon the custodial parent, but the goal here is keeping the peace.

Finally, remember that child support is not some disposable pleasure. Pay for what your children need according to your court order, and don’t fret when things aren’t perfect right now – they will be later.

If you’re needing immediate help with visitation or child support, contact an exceptionally talented Salt Lake City child support attorney, Emy A. Cordano, today.

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