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How Is Alimony Calculated?

Divorce is also a tragic tale. What once was a lively partnership is now a division of property, assets, finances, and children. Divorce isn’t always over when it is over. Some hope that when the divorce is final they will never have to deal with the partner again, but that simply isn’t true. Alimony is portrayed as that thorn in the heel, the remaining remnants of the life you had once, but that simply isn’t the case anymore. Alimony, as dramatized by Hollywood is not thousands of dollars a month. In Utah, alimony is taken quite seriously to account for the financial responsibility of both partners. Having an Alimony Attorney by your side can be the difference between receiving the right amount or preventing you from paying too much.

Factors to Consider

Alimony has been glamorized in the media as something one gets and then squanders on meaningless things. This not true. Alimony, or spousal maintenance, is put in place to protect those who sacrificed to stay in the relationship. The spouse who becomes financially disadvantaged is the one who is more than likely to get alimony. This does not default to the wife. Family dynamics have changed and so have the court’s view on alimony. Regardless of wife or husband, the courts will look to who worked the least in order to maintain the home and take care of the children. The courts recognize that stay at home dads are on the rise and do not discredit women paying their share of alimony if they are in an advantageous spot to do so.

Courts also look at what finances remain after all the property and assets have been distributed. They look at your relationship holistically to see what the fairest assessment will be. The courts look at the standard of living a spouse had while in the marriage, the length of the marriage, who stayed at home with the children, who will have the children full time, who sacrificed their job, needs and earning of a spouse, and what a spouse is able to pay. The courts are fair in the sense that they will never require a spouse to give alimony if they are not able to remain financially self-sufficient.

Another thing to consider is that alimony is not indefinite. Getting an Alimony Attorney on your side can help reduce the number of payments, settle on a lump sum, or set up a plan for temporary alimony. On the flip side, if you are the one receiving the payments, our Alimony Attorney can help you fight for permanent alimony.

What To Do

Alimony, like divorce, can turn quickly into a confusing hot mess. Whatever control you think you have can quickly dissipate leaving you to feel as if you are driving a car without a steering wheel. Hiring our Alimony Attorney at Emy A. Cordano, Attorney at Law in Salt Lake City can drastically reduce your anxieties. With almost 20 years of experience, we can ensure that your future is on the right path. Call (801) 901-8159 or click here to speak to our specialist today.

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