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What If The Ex Moves In With Someone Else?

We now have a ruling from a Utah Court of Appeals that could change the way alimony is handled in the state. We know that alimony is a topic that most people do not want to talk about, but it is a reality for many separated couples. Many people depend on it to get by. There are also times when the person receiving the alimony payments abuses the system so they can keep on getting it.

The case in question started in 2008. A man in a divorce was ordered to pay his ex-wife $7,000 a month in alimony payments. Four years after the separation, the man suspected that his ex-wife was living with someone else and hired private detectives to follow her. He was right and a judge terminated her payments. She appealed the judge’s definition of what “cohabitation” meant. The case worked its way through the courts and was upheld.

We are going to get into what the judge’s involved determined cohabitation means and how it relates to alimony. If you need a Salt Lake City alimony attorney, you can count on Emy A Cordano to be by your side.

What It Alimony?

Alimony payments are set up to help the spouse of lesser means get through the change that is happening in their life. There are a few different types that can be considered and they often depend on how long the marriage lasted.

  • Temporary alimony is typically only paid while a divorce is in process.
  • Transitionary alimony is another type of temporary alimony that can be granted to give the spouse of lesser means time to find a new job or training for a new career field.
  • Permanent alimony is long-term and usually paid monthly. This type of alimony is usually seen when a marriage lasted a long time used to maintain the spouse of lesser means in a lifestyle similar to the one they were accustomed to.

With permanent-alimony, we usually see the judge set limits. One of those is that the alimony will end if a person receiving the payments remarries or “cohabitates” with another person. In the story above, the judges determined that this meant:

  1. There is a shared residence
  2. An intimate relationship
  3. A common household involving shared expenses and decisions

What Are Your Options?

We know that alimony may be a reality for you in the aftermath of a divorce. Whether you are the one receiving the payments or the person making them, there may come a time when adjustments need to be made. Emy A Cordano, wants to ensure that everyone is treated fairly in these cases. Alimony is not easy to negotiate but our qualified and experienced team will work closely with you. If, as was the case above, the person you are making alimony payments is attempting to get around the law, you should seek legal assistance. When you need a Salt Lake City alimony attorney, You can contact us by clicking here or calling (801) 901-8159 for a legal consultation.

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