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Common Overlooked Forms Of Domestic Violence

Domestic violence is among the most emotionally fraught issues that may come up when a divorce is pending. It can also be among the most misunderstood.

Some behaviors are undeniably instances of domestic violence. Few would believe that someone physically striking their spouse in a manner that causes serious injury would be considered not guilty of committing a crime.

However, some forms of domestic violence are less obvious. It’s important to be familiar with them. Understanding what may or may not constitute domestic violence can help you better understand if you’re a victim whose spouse is downplaying the severity of their behavior.

Frequently overlooked signs and forms of domestic violence may include (but are not necessarily limited to) the following:


There are various ways an abuser might exert unfair control over their partner or spouse’s life. In some cases, engaging in excessively controlling behavior may constitute abuse. Examples of this form of domestic violence can include:

  • Preventing a victim from contacting certain individuals;
  • Not allowing a victim to have any personal time or space;
  • Threatening to harm or endanger the victim’s children if they don’t submit to their demands.

Again, those are just a few examples. A domestic violence attorney can help you better understand if you’re a victim should you suspect the degree to which a partner or spouse is controlling your life is abusive.

Verbal Abuse

Again, because engaging in physical violence is clearly abusive behavior, many sometimes forget that verbal violence can also be severe. If a spouse is constantly berating a victim, threatening them, or even refusing to speak with them for unreasonably long periods of time, it might be argued that they are an abuser.

Emotional Abuse

Emotional abuse often overlaps with verbal abuse. It involves using language or other such tactics to undermine the mental and emotional well-being of a victim.

For example, perhaps an abuser is constantly criticizing a spouse in a way that significantly impacts their self-confidence. This can be a form of abuse, particularly if it is occurring in public (although that does not mean engaging in such behaviors privately doesn’t constitute abuse).

Emotional abuse can even occur when an abuser is frequently threatening to harm themselves. They might do so to undermine the emotional stability of a victim.

Again, these are complicated matters. It’s always important to seek help right away if you even slightly believe you may be a domestic violence victim. Ensuring your own safety is priority number one in these circumstances.

Discussing these matters with an attorney is another major priority when getting a divorce or going through a similar experience. For example, if you have been the victim of domestic violence without necessarily realizing it, you might allow your children to be put in harm’s way because these matters were not brought up during child custody proceedings.

That does not need to happen. Salt Lake City area family law attorneyEmy A. Cordano is prepared to review your case and help you determine if domestic violence has been committed. Contact our office online or at 435-940-5523 for more information.

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