Salt Lake City Custodial Interference Attorney
Child custody disputes can cause plenty of stress for parents in Salt Lake City. These disputes can lead to long and drawn-out child custody battles that need to be resolved in the courtroom. However, even after the court enters a child custody battle, it is not uncommon for one parent to regularly violate court orders, which leaves the other parent fighting for the right to see their child. When you need a Salt Lake City custodial interference attorney, contact Emy Cordano as soon as possible. Attorney Cordano has extensive experience handling child custody cases, and she will ensure that you are treated fairly and that your rights are upheld by the court.
When we turn to Utah law, we can see that custodial interference is a criminal offense (76-5-303). While most states in this country enforce custody plans through civil processes and contempt of court proceedings, Utah has made custody interference a criminal offense that could result in the perpetrator facing misdemeanor or felony charges. Utah law says that a person will be found guilty of custodial interference if, “during a period of time when another person is entitled to the visitation of the child, the person takes, entices, conceals, detains, or withholds the child from the person entitled to the visitation of the child, with the intent to interfere with the visitation of the child.” Proving this and getting law enforcement to actually enforce the law is challenging if you are the parent losing out on parent time.
Regardless of whether the other parent has interfered with parent time with your child or if you have been accused of custodial interference, you need to seek assistance from a skilled attorney immediately. These cases can become incredibly complex, and the only way to navigate these tricky legal waters is to have an advocate by your side who has an understanding of both family law and the criminal laws regarding custodial interference. An attorney will be able to:
- Thoroughly examine all court-ordered custody documents
- Analyze the situation that led to the alleged custodial interference
- Handle all communication with other parties involved
- Represent you in court proceedings if necessary
Attorney Emy Cordano has extensive experience handling complex family law and custody battles in Salt Lake City and throughout Utah. She will handle every aspect of your case so that you can get back to a semblance of normalcy in your life and so that the orders of the court are respected by the other party going forward.
Contact our salt lake city custodial interference attorney today. If you have experienced custodial interference from your child’s other parent in or around the Salt Lake City area, you need to speak to an attorney immediately. When you turn to Emy Cordano for help with your child custody situation, you are gaining a fierce advocate who has the resources necessary to handle every aspect of the case. Attorney Cordano understands how the Utah court system handles custody disputes, and she will make sure that your case is presented in the best possible light to the court and that you are treated fairly throughout this entire process. When you need a Salt Lake City custodial interference lawyer, you can contact us by clicking here or calling us at (801) 901-8159 for an initial consultation.

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