Statistics show that millions of couples in America are living together in long-term committed relationships that can be considered common law marriages. When a common law relationship ends, the individuals involved usually have to deal with the same painful emotions, financial problems, and logistical difficulties as divorcing couples who were legally married.
But how many people involved in common law marriages actually know their rights? The answer is very few. What you do not know can bring severe consequences. The end of any relationship can bring tremendous emotional strain. The first important step is to find a Salt Lake common law marriage attorney with a significant track record of looking out for the best interest of each client. There are some fundamental differences between traditional divorce and the end of a common law marriage. The key is to get the proper legal representation to protect your interests.
get the help of a Salt Lake City common law marriage lawyer who is qualified to help you resolve all the issues that may be involved. You want to do it right the first time.Helping Individuals in All Types of Relationships, I am Salt Lake City common law marriage attorney, Emy Cordano. I represent men and women in a variety of complex cases, including those involving cohabitating partners who are going their separate ways. I can help you address essential issues like:
- Child custody and child support
- The effect of your military service if you are on active duty or a veteran
- The division of property, which can include your residence, bank accounts, investments, and other assets
People who choose to enter into common law marriage may benefit from the tax advantages granted to married couples. They often are granted almost all the same rights as legally married couples, including the right to use the divorce process if a relationship ends.
Utah family law is complicated. Every situation is different. Seek advice regarding your legal rights and options. I can help you understand your rights and how to utilize them effectively.

Contact Attorney Emy Cordano
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