Countless people throughout Utah are the victims of domestic violence and stalking on a daily basis. Nobody should have to live in fear of their spouse or partner. But when your personal safety and the welfare of your children are in danger, the best solution may be a restraining order. My name is Emy A. Cordano and I am a Salt Lake City restraining order attorney. Most people know about restraining orders. However, few know how to actually obtain one. As a family law attorney for nearly two decades, I have successfully helped both men and women obtain the restraining order needed to go on with their lives without having to constantly fear for their personal safety.
A restraining order is issued by the court and designed to protect the petitioner from a person or situation that may involve domestic violence, stalking, or sexual assault. Not only does a restraining order legally prevent a perpetrator of domestic violence to come near you or your property, but it also notifies law enforcement of the person for whom it is intended. Here is how a restraining order can help.
- A restraining prevents any contact between the abusive party and the petitioner and the petitioner’s children.
- It forces the abuser to leave any shared property if the petitioner feels threatened.
- The intended party must continue to pay alimony and child support, where applicable.
- A restraining order could deny or force a modification of child custody arrangements.
- Force compliance with gun ownership.
When it comes to preventing domestic violence, a proactive approach is a must. As your Salt Lake City restraining order attorney, I will fight for your rights to ensure you are protected to the fullest extent of the law. Over the years, I have experienced the devastating effects domestic violence can have on its victims. Many feel helpless and have no place to turn. As your legal advocate, my job is to protect the rights of each client and to look after their best interests. Restraining orders are among the most effective legal remedies to help prevent a violent act from occurring. Violation of a restraining order can result in the immediate arrest and detainment of the abuser. Depending on the terms of the restraining order, violators can face fines, probation, and jail time. In addition to helping clients obtain a restraining order, I can also provide representation for those who are accused of restraining order violations. In many cases, law-abiding citizens with no record of abuse or violence have been wrongly prevented from visiting their children or have been forced to relinquish their custody rights. As a family law attorney for nearly two decades, I have an obligation to protect the rights of each client.
Contact a Salt Lake City restraining order attorney today. A restraining order is often the last resort for many victims of domestic violence and requires immediate action. If you are currently involved in an abusive relationship or the victim of stalking, it is vital to put an end to the situation right away. The first important step is to contact an experienced and knowledgeable Salt Lake City restraining order attorney with a long track record of placing clients in the best position to succeed. To learn more, contact Emy A. Cordano, Attorney at Law, and schedule a consultation today to discuss your case.

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